

Celebrating the life-giving and life-changing role water plays in the natural world

Eden Qingdao promises to be an experience like no other. Neither a theme park nor a botanical garden, yet drawing on the best aspects of both, it will be an entirely unique and never before seen attraction.

The project bottles the spirit of the UK’s hugely successful Eden Project and takes it around the globe to China. The vision for the new site is powerful: to celebrate the life-giving and life-changing role water plays in the natural world. The site, an abandoned shrimp farm overlooking the Yellow Sea at the junction of two rivers, is perfectly placed to take on this new theme for the Eden team.

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A homage to water

Eden Qingdao’s 227-acre site will take your breath away. Here, you can climb, tunnel and swing your way through a multilevel bamboo maze and water playground. Meander through giant glasshouses, weave through the largest rainforest in captivity and stumble across specially commissioned artistic installations. Descend into subterranean exhibitions, zip line over a rainforest or climb sky walkways amidst the clouds. Go from the micro to the macro – examine the hidden life of water drop or see a panoramic view of the site’s surrounding wetlands of flora and fauna.

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A visual spectacle

The experience culminates in a giant, mechanical mountain. Water cascades down the mountain into the pool below, the thundering orchestra forming the backdrop to the park. Throughout the day, the mountain morphs, changing the movement and rhythm of the water keeping the park alive with activity.

We are currently working with a team of architects and developers to extend the Eden brand to China and bring this vision to life.

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China Jinmao Holdings Group


Eden Project


Grimshaw Architects